Letters to the Editor Archives - Coal Age

Letters to the Editor

“Innovative Rock-Dusting System to Assist with Respirable Dust Compliance”

Dear Coal Age:
In reference to the article “Innovative Rock-Dusting System to Assist with Respirable Dust Compliance” published in the October edition of Coal Age, I would like to clarify the appropriate use of wet rock dust, and specifically, foam rock dust, to treat an underground coal mine. While I acknowledge that foam rock dust could be an “innovative” tool to address the respirable dust rule, it is not an innovative method to mitigate an explosion in an underground coal mine. Furthermore, foam rock dust is not currently allowed by MSHA as the primary method of dusting a mine, as it must be used in combination with dry rock dust.

DSI Underground Systems

Dear Coal Age:
DSI appreciates Mr. Berg’s discussion reinforcing the use of dry rock dust and clarifying the MSHA Policy Manual and application of rock dust for the coal mining industry. As noted in the DSI literature and stated in the original Coal Age article, “The allowance in 30 CFR is for an application of foam rock dust followed by a dry dust application.” DSI supports compliance with the MSHA rock dusting policy.

A Heavyweight Fight Between 2 Irishmen

On December 17, 2014, The New York Times published a guest editorial, Coal: An Outlaw Enterprise, penned by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Hal Quinn, president and CEO for the National Mining Association, responded, but the Times refused to publish his letter. Both the editorial and Quinn’s response are offered here:


“Development of a New Hydrophobic Rock Dust.”

Dear Editor:
In the recent September 2014 Coal Age issue on page 40, you had an article produced by David Berg, marketing manager, Carmeuse North America on “Development of a New Hydrophobic Rock Dust.

MSHA Insisted on Ventilation Change, Why?

The ubbneveragain.com documentary points out that the government insisted on changes in the directional flow of the air at [the Upper Big Branch mine (UBB)] that resulted in a reduced volume of airflow. One reason suggested for the government requiring these changes was simply to demonstrate their authority over mine management.


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Coal Association of Canada Annual Conference
10/16/2024 - 10/18/2024
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
MetCoke World Summit
11/13/2024 - 11/14/2024
DoubleTree Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Haulage & Loading Conference
04/06/2025 - 04/09/2025
Tucson, Arizona, USA

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