Without the new Predictive Compliance “one click” tool, an operator would have to look up each mine individually on MSHA’s website to determine their POV status. The new Predictive Compliance tool eliminates this time consuming and costly step.  Moreover, MSHA’s website data is based on a “latest 12-month cycle” which can be misleading as it may not reflect the  applicable date-range over which MSHA’s POV data are measured. Predictive Compliance’s new tool reduces the risk for such errors because it can easily adjust the date range searched and will reflect more up-to-date, accurate data for analysis.

This new capability was developed to help operators address the recent MSHA change in the POV rule that places increasing responsibility on operators to monitor their own compliance.  Under the old rule, operators were issued a warning called a Potential Pattern of Violations (PPOV) notice and given a chance to correct errors in MSHA’s data and implement corrective action plans before being placed in POV status. The new MSHA rule eliminates this PPOV warning. Now, operators are expected to monitor their own status and proactively identify errors in MSHA’s data and, if necessary, implement action plans on their own.  Predictive Compliance’s new “one-click” tool provides operators the ability to identify and monitor the POV status of all of their sites on a single screen in real time in an easy to use format.

Using Predictive Compliance’s new tool can help operators avoid MSHA’s most serious sanctions. Unless operators are keeping very careful track of every mine site and citation over time, they can get stuck in a POV status that is very difficult to get out of when every Significant and Substantial (S&S) citation becomes a closure order and operators cannot escape it unless they go through an entire inspection without an S&S citation.

Predictive Compliance continues to offer mining companies and contractors a unique approach to easily automate their MSHA compliance management and more effectively allocate their resources for safer, more efficient operations. The software allows mining organizations to upload citations as they are received, instantly calculate the predicted penalty, and show the impact that citation (and future citations) would have on compliance costs, resources and operations. Predictive Compliance also helps decision-makers when planning to contest a citation and provides tools to identify and track potential patterns of violation, quickly compile citation data needed to respond to the new Dodd-Frank Act SEC reporting requirements. With the addition of “MineState” this past year, Predictive Compliance users can also benchmark their performance against other, similar mines.  

The development of this new “one-click” tool of POV monitoring increases Predictive Compliance’s ability to help the mining industry realize true risk mitigation and then implement measures to avoid such risk in the future. www.predictivecompliance.com
