Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett discusses pro-growth policies on the McLanahan shop floor.


Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett recently toured McLanahan’s corporate headquarters in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, and discussed how pro-growth policies and energy development are spurring the growth of Pennsylvania manufacturers.

As part of his visit, Corbett toured the facility with George Sidney, president and COO, and Michael McLanahan, chairman. Following his tour, he spoke with the facility’s employees about the importance of continuing to provide opportunities for Pennsylvania manufacturers and support their global business.

“We’re building a stronger Pennsylvania where job creators and entire industries are being revived and reinvigorated,” Gov. Corbett said. “Across Pennsylvania, manufacturers like McLanahan Corp. are making products for the world, and as a result, Pennsylvanians are once again securing good-paying jobs.”

Part of Corbett’s stop was fueled by his relationship with Michael McLanahan, who serves on the Governor’s Manufacturing Advisory Council (GMAC). In 2011, Corbett commissioned the GMAC as a public/private advisory council to identify and prioritize top issues that can help influence, sustain and advance that sector in the state.

Under the governor’s leadership, Pennsylvania’s current administration has either addressed or has made progress in addressing all 15 of the GMAC’s recommendations, including developing a statewide energy plan and connecting manufacturers to the burgeoning energy industry.

“It has been an honor serving on the Governor’s Manufacturing Advisory Council,” said McLanahan. “I am pleased with the efforts we have made to improve manufacturing opportunities in Pennsylvania. In fact, Gov. Corbett used many of the council’s recommendations in his recent budget proposals.”

In related news, McLanahan’s management and employees celebrated a milestone on July 3, when the company achieved 1 million man hours without a lost work time accident. “I speak for the entire company when I say I am extremely proud of the effort each employee puts into safety and identifying safer ways to work and do business. This is a tremendous accomplishment,” said Joe Adams, director of safety. This is the second time in recent years that the company has reached this milestone.
