For Q1 2023, Glencore reported total coal production of 26.9 million metric tons (mt), which was 1.6 million mt (6%) lower than Q1 2022, mainly reflecting the short-term impact of a community blockade at Cerrejón and mining around geological anomalies in South Africa.

Australia represents the largest part of Glencore’s coal portfolio. Most of the 17.5 million mt in Q1 2023, Australian thermal and semi-soft production of 15.5 million mt, was in line with Q1 2022.  Australian coking production of 2 million mt was 100,000 mt (5%) lower than Q1 2022, as the Newlands mine ceased production in February 2023. 

The company’s South African thermal production of 4 million mt was 500,000 mt (11%) lower than Q1 2022, mainly reflecting changes required to the iMpunzi mine plan in some pits, and closure of the Hlagisa mine from May 2022. 

At El Cerrejón in Colombia, quarterly production was 5.4 million mt, 800,000 mt (13%) lower than Q1 2022.
