The Thungela team accepts an award at the Colliery Managers’ Association conference. (Photo: Thungela)

Thungela received six awards at the 2023 CoalSAFE conference hosted by the South African Colliery Managers’ Association in Johannesburg. “These accolades serve as a testament to our unwavering commitment to the well-being and security of our employees, as well as the communities in which we operate,” the company said in a press release.

Thungela was recognized for operating fatality-free in 2022. The Khwezela Colliery has had 12,000 fatality-free production shifts and a lost-time frequency rate of zero for 2022. The Isibonelo Colliery has had 12,802 fatality-free production shifts.

To achieve these results, Thungela introduced a transformation process to strengthen its safety culture and reduce risk in the workplace. This included training, coaching, and education to embed risk awareness into daily routines. It also implemented a work management model at four operations, improving planning and resource allocation, and reducing pressure on frontline leaders.

“Thungela’s awards at the CoalSAFE Conference showcase our commitment to responsible coal mining stewardship,” said Carina Venter, executive head of safety, health, and environment for Thungela. “There is a clear need for safe mining, and it is great to see how the coal industry in Mpumalanga is stepping up to this challenge.”
